The design of the garden and the terraces keeps people moving. What should an appealing garden design look like? How can I optimally transform my garden to my needs? Which planning steps are required? How can I complete the work in a garden concept and realize my dream garden over the years? We’ve put together a checklist that will help you successfully approach gardening. From Augusta, GA the answers will come perfectly.
The planning of the dream garden in a nutshell
Planning a new garden or terrace is a process that takes several days, weeks and months. As profound connoisseurs of the Swiss garden scene we accompany and support you in this process. We help you to focus on your core needs and open your horizons to new and unusual design ideas. For the documentation of the planning process we rely on digital cooperative online tools. On request, you will always have access to the current status of the work and can influence it at any time. The planning process can be roughly divided into four main focuses.
1. Clarify needs for the garden
We will discuss with you in person the needs you have for a newly designed garden or terrace. The first ideas from the “motto” and provide a preliminary design direction. The documentation is online. You also get access. Mutations and additions are possible at any time.
2. Recording of the existing garden
As part of a walk-through we take up the existing garden and its design elements. What on the previous garden is unsatisfactory and disturbing? Which elements do you want to keep? The documentation is done by means of sketchy sketches and digital pictures.
3. Design ideas and variants lead to the garden concept
MasterCasino88 create planning sketches with you in accordance with the motto defined under the needs in a joint design process. The result is a garden concept in which the needs, elements that are retained and the new design ideas for third parties are documented. Gardeners who lend a hand have a plan that you can implement yourself in stages. If required, we can create the garden concept online with a digital tool that enables cooperative work. With their online access, you will independently bring in additions and corrections.
4. Specifications for garden architects and gardeners
We define together with you the works to be carried out by a garden architect or horticulturist. With a precise description of the work, materials and quantities, you will get a good basis for comparing offers from horticultural businesses.